“When you begin to catch even a glimpse of how your Heavenly Father sees you and what He is counting on you to do for Him, your life will never be the same,” said President Nelson.
Confidence. We all feel like we don't have a lot of that in us at some point in our lives, if not, most of the time we feel like we are lacking in the confidence department. So how do we find confidence? How do we build that confidence in ourselves? Obviously when we hear kind compliments from others about ourselves it gives us boosts of confidence, but how do we find that lasting confidence- That quiet confidence that will sustain us even on the days where we feel deflated, defeated or just not at the top of our game. True and sustaining confidence, that quiet confidence we all seek after comes from beginning to understand who we really are. It comes from really knowing we have a Father in Heaven who really does love us. He's really there. Just really take that in.
Maybe you're sitting there thinking this is all just a bunch of nonsense. Maybe you're still thinking, well it's really not that simple. I can sit here and say I am a child of God all I want, but that still doesn't change the fact that the boy in my high school gym class still wont give me the time of day. That doesn't change the fact that the popular girls at school look at me like I'm a nobody. It doesn't change the fact that I didn't get that job promotion that I worked so hard to get, and somebody else got it instead, and now I feel like I'm not as good as them. I still feel like a hot mess at the end of the day after cleaning, cooking and taking care of my little children. Having confidence is more than just knowing I am a child of God you might be thinking.
So here's the question do you REALLY know that you ARE a child of a Father in Heaven? Because I'm telling you right here and right now; if you REALLY KNOW that and build your foundation on that, confidence will come. That sustainable confidence that we all seek after. It'll come. When we come to a point where we can ask Him how He feels about us, and when we receive that answer...oh my...that confidence will come. I'm not saying all your doubts about yourself and your abilities will cease to exist, but the way you view them will. When you feel your Father confirm to you that you will never, could never be of less worth to Him, no matter what, I'm telling you...it changes everything. His love changes e v e r y t h i n g. You're life really will never be the same when you allow the Spirit to testify to you personally that you have a Heavenly Father who loves you.