
Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Daughters of Divinity

(This is my gorgeous friend, Mandi Clarke.  You can check out her photography HERE)

We were listening to the Frozen 2 soundtrack on the way to school this morning, and the song “Show Yourself” was requested. As I listened to these words from the song I started thinking about our Heavenly Mother. 

Come, my darling, homeward bound
Show yourself
Step into your power
Grow yourself 
Into something new 

When I saw this movie in the theatres I got the chills during this part. I immediately thought of my earthly mother and how she always shows so much joy when she sees me growing and learning. 
But this morning I thought of our Heavenly Mother, and how she probably, most definitely, feels the same way. She knows our worth, our potential. We are her daughters, and what a sacred and special relationship each of us must have had with her before we came to earth. As we stumble our way through this life I know she is watching from afar cheering us on to “step into our power.”  As we do so we can rest assured she is beaming from ear to ear, yearning to kiss us on our head and desperately hoping we can feel her love for us. 
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